shortcuts for apple

The Command key, , formerly also known as the Apple key or open Apple key, is a modifier key present on Apple keyboards. The Command key’s purpose is to allow the user to enter keyboard commands in applications and in the system. An “extended” Macintosh keyboard—the most common type—has two command keys, one on each side of the space bar; some compact keyboards have one only on the left.

The symbol (the “looped square“) was chosen by Susan Kare after Steve Jobs decided that the use of the Apple logo in the menu system (where the keyboard shortcuts are displayed) would be an over-use of the logo. Apple’s adaptation of the symbol—encoded in Unicode at U+2318—was derived in part from its use in Nordic countries as an indicator of cultural locations and places of interest.[1] The symbol is known by various other names, including “Saint John’s Arms” and “Bowen knot“.

So lets get over it and learn all Shortcuts for Apple Keyboards.

option Right Click: while pushing Control key, Click “or tap track pad”, then release the Control key

let´s start with the basic mac os x shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Command-A Select All
Command-B Bold selected text or toggle bold on or off
Command-C Copy
Command-F Find
Command-H Hide windows of currently running application
Command-I Italicize selected text or toggle italic on or off
Command-M Minimize
Command-N New
Command-O Open
Command-P Print
Command-Q Quit Logos
Command-S Save
Command-V Paste
Command-W Close
Command-X Cut
Command-Z Undo
Command-comma Preferences
Command-Tab Switch Programs
Command-Down Arrow Move text insertion point to document end
Command-Up Arrow Move text insertion point to document beginning
Command-Left Arrow Move text insertion point to current line beginning
Command-Right Arrow Move text insertion point to current line end
fn-Down Arrow Page Down
fn-Up Arrow Page Up
fn-Left Arrow First Page
fn-Right Arrow Last Page
Control-Option-Command-8 Universal Access: Invert color
Option-Command-8 Universal Access: Zoom On or Off
Option-Command-= Universal Access: Zoom In
Option-Command— Universal Access: Zoom Out
Shift-Command-Z Redo
Shift-Command-slash(/) go to Help menu
Shift-Command-3 Capture entire screen & Save as a file
Shift-Command-Control-3 Capture entire screen & Copy to clipboard
Shift-Command-4 Capture dragged area & Save as a file
Shift-Command-Control-4 Capture dragged area & Copy to clipboard
Shift-Command-4 then Space bar Capture a window, menu, desktop icon, or menu bar & Save as a file
Shift-Command-Control-4 then Space bar Capture a window, menu, desktop icon, or menu bar & Copy to clipboard

rich text editor & logo shortcuts


Command-ASelect All
Command-BBold selected text or toggle bold on or off
Command-EAlign Center
Command-IItalicize selected text or toggle italic on or off
Command-KInsert Hyperlink
Command-LAlign Left
Command-RAlign Right
Command-]Increase Indent (in lists only)
Command-[Decrease Indent (in lists only)
Command-.Bulleted List
Command-/Numbered List
Shift-Command-FChange Font Family
Shift-Command-KToggle Small Caps
Shift-Command-PChange Font Size
Shift-Option-Command-VPaste and Match Style

last but not least Logos & specific shortcuts

reminder: If you “Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard keys” it is unchecked in Keyboard preferences, then (fn) key needs to be pushed Function Key.

BackspaceClear Page in Presentation Mode
Left arrowPrevious Resource
Right arrowNext Resource
Command-DAdd current location to Favorites
Command-FFind (in this panel)
Command-KApply Highlighting
Command-LShow Library
Command-RRead Aloud (Toggle start – stop)
Command-WClose current panel
Command-[Back in History
Command-]Forward in History
Command-accent (`)Go to next window (moves between floating windows and main window)
Command-1 ..9Navigate to Bookmark (1-9)
Option-Shift-Command-1 ..9Set Bookmark (1-9)
Command-F8Enter Drawing Mode (on some keyboards, Fn-Command-F8 may be necessary)
Command-Up arrowHome (e.g., title page)
Command-Down arrowEnd (e.g., last article)
Ctrl-TabGo to next tab in same panel
Ctrl-Shift-TabGo to previous tab in same panel
EscDismiss / Exit Drawing mode
Option-Command-BOpens Copy Bible Verses in a floating window
Option-Command-CCopy location as [URL] [HTML] [Wiki] [RL]
Option-Command-FFloat This Panel
Option-Shift-Command-FDock This Panel
Option-Command-LFocus Command bar
Option-Command-RReading View (Logos 6)
Option-Command-WClose all panels
Shift-Command-CShow Table of Contents
Shift-Command-EReplace with Passage – Service for applications forum thread
Shift-Command-FReading view (Logos 4,5)
Shift-Command-FInline Search (Logos 6)
Shift-Command-HShow Home
Shift-Command-JOpen Copy Bible Verses – Service for applications
Shift-Command-KErase Highlighting
Shift-Command-LShow Locator Bar
Shift-Command-NCopy this panel to a new tab
Shift-Command-PToggle Columns View on/off
Shift-Command-RToggle interlinear ribbon on/off
Shift-Command-SOpen Search
Shift-Command-accent(`)Go to previous window (moves between floating windows and main window)
Shift-Command-]Go to next tab in same panel
Shift-Command-[Go to previous tab in same panel
Shift-Command-Up arrowGo to Previous verse, chapter, article, etc.
Shift-Command-Down arrowGo to Next verse, chapter, article, etc.
Shift-Command-Left arrowGo to Previous equivalent resource
Shift-Command-Right arrowGo to Next equivalent resource
Shift-Command-slash(/)go to Help menu (then click on Logos Help)
SpacebarMove text forward in panel (bottom line becomes top line)
Shift-SpacebarMove text backward in panel (top line becomes bottom line)
(fn)-F7Quick comparison of the active verse/selected text